Sample type: Urine - Random
Test name: C-peptide : creatinine ratio a.k.a. urine c peptide
Special precautions & notes: None.
Reference range: Interpretation of urine C-peptide:creatinine ratio for investigation of patients with established Diabetes mellitus (>3 years since onset): >0.6 nmol/mmol Substantial insulin secretion, associated with type 2 DM and MODY and absence of absolute insulin requirement; 0.2-0.6 nmol/mmol Intermediate insulin secretion; <0.2 nmol/mmol Severe insulin deficiency, managed as type 1 DM.
Container: Boric acid preservative (Olive green top)
Alternative container: Boric acid preservative (Red top)
Ideal volume (mL): 2 mL
Referred outside NBT for analysis? Yes
Discipline: Clinical Biochemistry
Turnaround time: 1 week
Referral location: Department of Clinical Biochemistry, Level 8, Bristol Royal Infirmary, Marlborough Street, Bristol, BS2 8HW