Sample type: Faeces
Test name: C.difficile toxin a.k.a. Faeces, C. Diff, colitis, Infection
Condition / Indication: Diarrhoea/Pseudomembranous colitis
Special precautions & notes: Specimens from inpatients who develop diarrhoea with no clearly attributable underlying condition (e.g. inflammatory colitis, overflow) or therapy (e.g. laxatives, enteral feeding) should be submitted for testing and will have Clostridioides difficile
tests performed. Formed stool specimens will not be processed. The sample must take on the shape of the ‘universal’ container and be at least one-third full.
Reference range: Not Applicable
Container: Blue top universal with spoon
Ideal volume (mL): 3 spoons/ pot should be at least 1/3 full
Referred outside NBT for analysis? No
Discipline: Microbiology
Turnaround time: 24 hours