Sample type: Various
Test name: Infection screen Carbapenemase screen (rectal swab) a.k.a. CPE XIN, Infection
Condition / Indication: Carbapenemase producing bacteria
Special precautions & notes: CPE (Carbapenemase producing Enterobacteriales) – Rectal swabs, faecal samples (if rectal swab unavailable) ,wound swabs, ulcer swabs and CSU specimens on requests are suitable for carbapenemase screening. Faecal material should be visible on the rectal swab
Reference range: Not Applicable
Container: Liquid swab for MCS
Ideal volume (mL): n/a
Referred outside NBT for analysis? No
Discipline: Microbiology
Turnaround time: 3 days
Further information: Liquid swab for MCS, CSU - Sterile Boricon (Olive green top) tube, Sputum and Fluids - Universal (white top)