Sample type: Serum
Test name: Tissue Transglutaminase Antibody a.k.a. TTG
Condition / Indication: Coeliac
Special precautions & notes: The anti-tissue transglutaminase (tTG)assay is an IgA based assay, used as the primary screen for coeliac disease at NBT. Positive results are reflexed for a confirmatory IgA anti-endomysial (EMA)) assay. If the IgA tTG result is below a designated assay value, the sample will be checked for IgA deficiency, and if the IgA is <0.2g/l, an IgG EMA test will be performed. Appropriate additional comments will be added to the final report. Please note, diagnostic coeliac serology should be undertaken while the patient is on a gluten containing diet.
IgA deficiency is common and usually asymptomatic. IgA results <0.5gl/ wil reflex IgG and IgM assessment to look for wider antibody deficiency
Container: Serum (Gold top)
Ideal volume (mL): 2 mL
Referred outside NBT for analysis? No
Discipline: Immunology
Turnaround time: 7 working days