
Container: Serum (Gold top)

Sample type: Serum

Test name: Vancomycin

Timing of samples: In most situations a pre-dose is recommended. Please see Microbiology Clinical Guidelines on Link.

Test information required: When requesting please include the time and date of dose and sample, and state if it is pre/post-dose or a random sample

Results: Results >20 mg/L on a pre-dose or random sample will be telephoned to the clinical team (except NICU and home dialysis patients)

Reference range: Please check timing of blood sampling in relation to previous dose administration in order to interpret this result correctly. The interpretation applies to pre-dose levels, in other situations refer to clinical guidelines. Pre-dose levels < 10mg/L: This is a subtherapeutic pre-dose level for severe or blood stream infection. Please dose adjust and repeat pre-dose level as per Clinical Guidelines. Predose levels 10-20mg/L: This is within the therapeutic range. Please dose adjust according to pre-dose target range for your patient (either 10-15mg/L OR 15-20mg/L) as per Clinical Guidelines or vancomycin prescribing chart. Predose levels >20mg/L: This is above the therapeutic range. Please withhold the dose until the pre-dose level is within range and follow the Clinical Guidelines or vancomycin prescribing chart . Ring the microbiology team if advice is required.

Container: Serum (Gold top)

Alternative container: Lithium heparin (green top)

Ideal volume (mL): 5mL

Referred outside NBT for analysis? No

Discipline: Clinical Biochemistry

Turnaround time: Hospital patients 4 hours

Re-assay interval: Please follow Microbiology clinical guidelines on Link