Von Willebrand's Disease

Container: Citrate (Blue top)

Sample type: Whole Blood

Test name: Von Willebrand's Disease a.k.a. VWFA

Condition / Indication: Von Willebrand’s Disease (VWD) is a bleeding disorder caused by deficiency or dysfunction of the multimeric glycoprotein Von Willebrand Factor, which plays key haemostatic roles in platelet adhesion and aggregation at sites of vascular injury, and also acts as a chaperone for FVIII. It is characterised by excessive mucocutaneous bleeding, such as heavy menstrual bleeding, epistaxis, easy bruising etc.

Special precautions & notes: Sample should be filled to the indicated mark on blood bottle. Any underfilled samples must be rejected. Over filled samples have the potential to generate false results due to poor mixing and should be rejected. Clotted samples cannot be accepted as they are not an accurate reflection of the patients clotting activity. Testing for VWD includes: FVIII, VWF:Ag and VWF:Rcof.

Reference range: vWF Act 0.40-1.63 IU/mL; vWF Ag 0.42-1.76 IU/mL; vWF Ricof 0.48-2.40 IU/mL. For paediatric reference ranges please view attached table

Container: Citrate (Blue top)

Ideal volume (mL): 2.7 mL

Discipline: Haematology

Turnaround time: 3 weeks