Bristol Weight Management and Bariatric Service (BWMBS)
North Bristol Centre for Weight Loss, Metabolic & Bariatric Surgery
Being overweight and obese is one of the most significant health problems in the Western World. The numbers of individuals with this condition are growing exponentially. It is estimated that 30% of adults in the UK are currently obese and this is expected to double in the next 40 years. The treatment of obesity currently costs the health economy more than £5 billion per year. Obesity is associated with many physical and mental health problems and significantly shortens life expectancy.
Conditions related to obesity:
- Type 2 Diabetes
- High Blood Pressure
- High Cholesterol
- Sleep apnoea and breathing problems
- Joint problems and arthritis
- Acid reflux
- Poor mobility
- Urinary incontinence
- Depression
- Increased risk of heart attack, stroke and certain cancers (prostate, breast, ovary, endometrial)
How can we help you?
‘Bristol Weight Management and Bariatric Service’ (BWMBS) delivers a specialist ‘Weight Assessment and Management Service’ (WAMS). WAMS was previously known as the ‘Tier 3 Specialist Weight Management Service’. WAMS provides non-surgical weight management support and interventions for a 6-12month period.
WAMS also supports appropriate individuals to prepare for bariatric (weight loss) surgery with the ‘Bristol Bariatric Service’ (BBS). It is national guidance that you need to receive intensive support from a specialist weight management service, such as WAMS, before you can be considered for a referral to a weight loss surgery team. There may be some exceptions to this rule for those who have other medical issues that require urgent treatment.