
General Gynaecology

General Gynaecology covers many gynaecological problems including abnormal uterine bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding, ovarian cysts, and fibroids.

Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinics

The Early Pregnancy Assessment Clinic (EPAC) is an emergency service available to all women referred by their GP or Health Professional.


Endometriosis is a very common condition where cells of the lining of the womb (the endometrium) are found elsewhere.

The Pelvic Pain Service

Information about the Pelvic Pain Service at NBT including what to expect at your appointments, and further information and support. 

Urogynaecology and Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery

The department of Urogynaecology & Pelvic Reconstructive Surgery offers coordinated, holistic care to cover all the aspects of female urinary incontinence and utero-vaginal prolapse. 

Obstetric anal sphincter injury (OASI) clinic

OASI stands for obstetric anal sphincter injury, which can happen after childbirth. Information about the OASI clinic at NBT. 

General Fertility, Reproductive Endocrinology and Surgery

Southmead Hospital provides a fully funded NHS fertility service now known as Southmead General Fertility Clinic. 

Ambulatory Gynaecology

Many people can have a procedure in a clinic while they are awake. This is known as ambulatory care. Our ambulatory suite is a dedicated area of Gynaecology Outpatients.

Colposcopy Clinic

A colposcopy examination is the next step in the cervical screening programme.

Vulval diseases

We offer a comprehensive service for women with vulval problems such as itching, pain and visible skin changes or lumps as well as already diagnosed vulval skin conditions.  


Specialist services for suspected gynaecological cancers or those who have been diagnosed with a cancer of the ovary, cervix, womb, vulva, vagina and some rare gynaecological cancers.

Gynaecology Team

The Gynaecology team at North Bristol Trust is a multidisciplinary, cohesive team that aims to deliver holistic, first-class care and to champion women’s health.

Gynaecology Patient Information

Find out more about different gynaecological conditions and treatments. 

Contact Gynaecology

Phone: 0117 414 6768

Cotswold Ward
Phone: 0117 414 6785
