
Neuropathology Service

The department provides a UKAS accredited diagnostic neuropathology service (including nerve and muscle biopsies).

Neuropathology Laboratory Services

The Neuropathology laboratory offers a UKAS accredited service for the diagnosis of neuropathological specimens.

Neuropathology Quality

The department is committed to maintaining high quality standards and is accredited by UKAS to ISO:15189 (accreditation number 8191).

Neuropathology Training

The department actively encourages training and continuing professional development for all staff.

The Department of Neuropathology at North Bristol NHS Trust provides a comprehensive neuropathology service for both clinicians based at the trust and external users.


Contact Neuropathology


Department of Neuropathology
Pathology Sciences Building
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB

Telephone (Office): 0117 4142402 or 0117 4142403
Telephone (Laboratory): 0117 4142400
Fax: 0117 4142410

Opening Hours
Monday to Friday 8.00am - 5.15pm
