Services by Type of Cancer

Art in Bristol Breast Care Centre

Acute Oncology
The role of this service is to ensure that patients’ who have cancer have an efficient care pathway when they are admitted to North Bristol NHS Trust.  This may be due to an acute complication of their cancer or their cancer treatment or they are newly diagnosed during their acute episode of illness.

Breast – Bristol Breast Care Centre
At Bristol Breast Care Centre, located at Beaufort House, Southmead Hospital, Bristol, our dedicated team of doctors, nurses, support staff and volunteers are committed to providing the very best possible treatment and care in a friendly, relaxed environment.

Colorectal Cancer Services
The service includes support, advice and empowering patients and their families to make decisions with regard to the different treatment options. This support is offered from diagnosis throughout the patient’s care pathway.

Haematology – Severn Pathology
The Specialty of Haematology provides a multi-faceted service to North Bristol Trust (NBT). It provides an out-patient, day case, in-patient and laboratory diagnostic and liaison service to Bristol and North Somerset areas.

Gastroenterology & Liver Medicine (Hepatology)

Our Hepatology team offers regular screening for liver cancer to patients with liver cirrhosis or those at high risk. This includes 6-monthly ultrasounds and check-ups with our specialised nurses. Liver cancer, particularly hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is a significant concern, but early detection improves treatment outcomes. Our team will guide you through this process and coordinate any necessary treatment with partnering hospitals.

Lung Cancer Services
The Lung Cancer Team aim to provide long term care of the patients, families and carers leading up to, during and after a diagnosis of lung cancer is made. We run daily respiratory clinics where new patients are seen, assessed, diagnostic tests arranged and treatments discussed. At this appointment each patient will also get the opportunity to meet with the Lung Cancer Nurse Specialist.

Bristol Neuro-oncology Group
The Surgical Neuro-oncology at North Bristol NHS Trust provides continuity of care for patients with Primary and Secondary brain tumours and their families from first diagnosis, ensuring a smooth transition of care from initial surgery, through radiotherapy and/or chemotherapy and into the community.

Palliative & End of Life Care
Specialist palliative care is available to any patient within North Bristol NHS Trust who has an advanced, progressive, life-threatening illness with a high level of need. The  Palliative Care Team is an advisory service providing specialist assessment and advice on the management of a range of issues that patients and their relatives and carers may face.

Sarcoma Cancer Services
Sarcomas are a rare group of cancers treated by a specialist team experienced in their management. Sarcomas arise in connective tissue such as Muscle, Fat and Bone. The Bristol Sarcoma Service (BSS) manages sarcomas for Bristol and the surrounding region including Bath, Weston, Yeovil and Taunton.

Skin Cancer Services
The Plastic Surgery Department at North Bristol NHS Trust (NBT) is the main centre for treating patients with skin cancer in the South West. We work closely with dermatology services both in Bristol and in our surrounding hospitals, as well as the local  GPs. We aim to ensure our skin oncology service meets the IOG guidelines and delivers a service which includes triaging of patients to improve and shorten the time it takes patients to be seen and treated. 

Upper Gastrointestinal

Bristol Urological Institute
The Bristol Urological Institute (BUI), based at Southmead Hospital, Bristol, is the largest urology department in the South West and one of the largest in the country. The BUI offers care for all urological cancers such as kidney, prostate, bladder and testis.

Services by Type of Cancer