We have a dedicated multi-disciplinary team with expertise in the management of MND.
This includes:
- an MND Care Co-ordinator
- Consultants in Neurology, Respiratory & Palliative Care Medicine
- a Neurology Specialist Registrar
- Physiotherapists
- Occupational Therapists
- Speech & Language Therapists
- Dietitians
- a Counselling Psychologist
- MND Association Visitors.
MND Care Co-ordinator
Keri Vickery is the MND care co-ordinator and your main point of contact. Her role is to provide support and information. She will ensure that you receive the care you need at the right time by liaising with your local health and social care teams and voluntary organisations.
Keri attends the MND clinics but can also be contacted by telephone and e-mail in between clinic appointments. She is available for home visits if needed. If you are admitted to Southmead Hospital, Keri will help coordinate your inpatient admission. She will work closely with all those involved in your treatment to ensure the best possible care for you.
Consultant Neurologists
Dr Andria Merrison (Director of Bristol MND care centre) is a Consultant Neurologist with a specialist interest in neuromuscular disease including MND. You will be seen in clinic by a Consultant at your first clinic appointment. You will be seen by either your named Consultant or the Neurology Specialist Registrar for appointments thereafter.
Counselling Psychologist
Dr John Ashworth is a Counselling Psychologist with a specialist interest in working with people living with MND as well as other neurological conditions. He is available to provide you with emotional and psychological support from diagnosis onwards. If helpful, John can also work with your immediate family and/ or carer(s). He attends the MND clinic and can see you separate to, or following your appointment with one of our Consultant Neurologists.
Contact Bristol MND
MND Care Coordinator
Telephone: 0117 4140803
Counselling Psychologist - Dr John Ashworth
Telephone: 0117 4141168
Email: john.ashworth@nbt.nhs.uk
Gate 18, Room 7, Level 1 Brunel building
Southmead Hospital
BS10 5NB
Consultant Neurologists
Dr Andria Merrison
Secretary: Karen Parker
Telephone: 0117 4146688
Email: NBTNeurologySecretaries@nbt.nhs.uk