My child has a disability is the unit accessible?
Our unit at Southmead Hospital has a ramp and metal bars running up to it and a wheelchair accessible door. The bathroom has easy access.
How can I cancel/re-arrange my appointment?
Don't worry please telephone us on 0117 4145807 and we will help you rearrange it.
How do I contact my child's Doctor/Consultant?
For the Neonatal Consultants at Southmead Hospital:
- Dr Faith Emery
- Dr David Evans
- Dr Paul Mannix
- Dr Daniela Vieten-Kay
- Dr Madhavi Parvathareddy
- Dr Katie Farmer
- Dr Claire Rose
- Dr Maria Tsakmakis
- Dr Richard Wach
- Dr Libuse Pazderova
- Dr Charles Roehr
- Dr Amiel Billetop
Telephone Julie Deady, Secretary, based in NICU on 0117 4146815.
Doctors/Consultants based at the Bristol Children's Hospital, you will need to ring and ask to speak to your doctors secretary on 0117 3428460.
Vaccination clinics are run by the Children's Nurses, telephone 0117 4145807.