You have been directed to this webpage because you have been identified by our senior nurse as appropriate for streaming to the NBT ED 111 phone booths.
It may seem strange that you have been asked to phone 111 when you have come to the emergency department; but please bear with us. We are all trying to work together to get you seen in the right place at the right time.
In the current climate waiting times in Emergency Departments can be very long and for many people an Emergency Department is not the best place for them to be seen. It can often seem difficult to navigate the wide range of healthcare services especially as the different options expand and 111 can help with this.
The Senior Nursing Streaming Team have identified that your condition may not need to be seen in the Emergency Department. By phoning 111 straight after streaming you may well prevent a long wait, and be seen more appropriately by another healthcare/pharmacy service.
After booking in and having a brief chat to the Streaming Team you will have been directed to a phonebooth area to call 111. When you speak to 111 they will use validated pathways to work with you and decide where and when you should be seen; this may include the following non exhaustive options:
- Your GP
- An emergency dentist
- A prescribing pharmacist.
- A minor injuries unit
- Selfcare – with their advice.
After phoning 111 if they have made arrangements for you to be seen somewhere other than the Emergency Department you are free to leave and you do not need to tell anyone you are going.
If 111 has decided that the Emergency Department is the right place for you please tell the reception team and we will put you back into the queue at the time you initially booked in.
Thank you for your co-operation with this new change to how our Emergency Department is working.
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published April 2024. Review due April 2027. NBT003439.
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Contact Emergency Department (ED)
Gate 35, Level 0
Brunel building
Southmead Hospital
Southmead Road
BS10 5NB
Emergency Department Main Reception Gate 35: 0117 4145100 or 0117 4145101