Gastroenterology & Liver Medicine (Hepatology) Outpatients


You may be invited to attend the department:

  • After consulting with your GP who thinks you need to see a gastroenterologist or
  • After consulting with another team in a hospital who thinks you need further assessment by a gastroenterologist or
  • After you have left hospital having been diagnosed with a gastrointestinal condition

There are consultant led gastroenterology clinics every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Some of the conditions we investigate for and treat are obscure gastrointestinal bleeding, malabsorption, inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), chronic diarrhoea and coeliac disease which has not responded to a gluten free diet.

There are additional IBD specialist nurse clinics on Monday, Tuesday (in Cossham Hospital, Kingswood) and Friday.

Patients known to have a form of IBD under the care of our service can contact the IBD nurse specialist for advice via For further patient information regarding IBD please follow the below link.

Crohn's & Colitis UK (

There are specialist dietitian clinics each Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday to which you may be referred by your consultant, specialist nurse or general practitioner.


North Bristol Liver Unit

You may be invited to attend the unit:

  • After consulting with your GP who thinks you need to see a liver specialist or
  • After consulting with another team in a hospital who thinks you need further assessment by a liver specialist or
  • After you have left hospital having been diagnosed with a liver condition

There is a hepatology clinic every Thursday with Dr Przemioslo, Dr Zeino, Dr. Srivastava and Dr Maurice. We have liver specialist nurses, alcohol specialists, liver dietitian and fibroscan technician also assessing patients as part of the clinic.

We have close links with the liver transplant team in Kings College Hospital, London. There is a three monthly joint liver transplant clinic at Southmead Hospital which is attended by transplant consultants from Kings College Hospital.

There are additional liver specialist nurse clinics on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays for those patients who have viral hepatitis and cirrhosis. Patients known to the liver unit can contact the liver nurse specialist for advice via

There is a clinic on Monday for those patients who are suspected of having liver disease related to alcohol misuse to which you may be referred by your consultant, specialist nurse or general practitioner. This is run by the alcohol specialist team and may include having a fibroscan.

To investigate the liver, a number of imaging tests may be requested for you.

For further information regarding liver disease and cirrhosis, please click on the link below:

British Liver Trust - Pioneering Liver Health


Medical Day Unit

You may be asked to attend this unit, by your consultant, specialist nurse or general practitioner for blood transfusions, iron infusions, paracentesis (drain for ascites build up in the abdomen due to liver disease) or for intravenous medications to treat IBD.

You contact the unit directly on 01174143200 once you have been referred.


Who do I contact if I have not heard about my appointment?

Please contact the outpatient booking team in the first instance:

0300 555 0103 or email

Contact IBD Nurse Specialists

Patients with inflammatory bowel disease known to us can contact the IBD nurse specialists for advice on the IBD answerphone 0117 4146354 or email

Gastroenterology & Liver Medicine (Hepatology) Outpatients