This page is for patients with an immunodeficiency. It has information about when to contact us and how to get further information about living with an immunodeficiency.
General information
ID UK (Immunodeficiency UK) is a patient organisation that has produced useful information for patients with primary and secondary immunodeficiency: Immunodeficiency UK | Home
If you are on immunoglobulin replacement or if your consultant has recommended this then you can find more information about this treatment here: Use of immunoglobulin (IgG) in antibody deficiency | North Bristol NHS Trust (
We advise our patients to follow government guidelines in terms of protecting themselves from COVID-19. These are updated regularly and can be found here: COVID-19: guidance and support - GOV.UK (
ID UK also produces expert guidance for patients with immunodeficiency in relation to COVID-19: COVID-19 - Immunodeficiency UK
COVID-19 vaccines
Useful information with regards to COVID-19 vaccines can be found on the government website and the ID UK website. Household contacts of people who have weakened immune systems are also eligible for COVID-19 vaccinations.
Further support and information
If you are under the care of the Immunology team for an immunodeficiency and are admitted to hospital for an infection:
- Let us know by phoning 0117 414 3456.
- Tell the team looking after you that you have an immunodeficiency.
You should also let us know if:
- You have regular immunoglobulin infusions and develop an infection that is being treated in hospital.
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published April 2024. Review due April 2027. NBT003618.