The gastroenterology dietitians at North Bristol Trust understand how much your condition can affect your life. Diet can make a big difference to your symptoms, and in some cases, it can alter the course of the disease.
We offer group sessions, one to one clinics, and virtual appointments, as well as seeing patients on the wards. We have specialist clinics for liver disease and IBD, so you will get to know your dietitian. If you are admitted to the hospital for these conditions, we try to make sure that you are seen by your usual dietitian who knows you.
The Dietitians at North Bristol NHS Trust provide a specialist Outpatients service for the following gastrointestinal conditions. If you have one of these conditions and you feel you would benefit from seeing a dietitian, please ask your GP or Gastroenterologist to refer to us;
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) (referrals from Gastroenterologist only)
- IBD (Crohn’s disease, Orofacial Granulomatosis, Ulcerative Colitis, Ulcerative Proctitis)
- Liver disease
- Wilson’s disease
- Chronic Pancreatitis/Pancreatic Exocrine Insufficiency
- Benign oesophageal or duodenal strictures and stents
- Oesophageal dysmotility/Barrett's oesophagus
- Achalasia
- Gastroparesis (if under NBT gastroenterologist)
- Dumping syndrome
- Short bowel syndrome
- Coeliac disease
- Eosinophilic Oesophagitis
Dietary advice may not be the most helpful for the following conditions, but we will accept referrals in some cases where there is weight loss or if medical management is contraindicated;
- Bile salt malabsorption
- Small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
- Functional bowel disorders other than IBS
- Gastro-oesophageal reflux disorder (GORD)
Our service cannot help with non-specific reactions to foods such as headaches, feeling hot/ sweating.