Patient Feedback

Having someone understand why I have the problems I do and who could see where I am coming from was so helpful

These sessions weren’t just about emotional help but practical help and advice, which helped me enormously

During the sessions we have been working on noticing, reflecting and having a more positive outlook. I feel through discussion this has really helped and having the week in between appointments to input ideas very useful.

It has been great to feel like there is finally someone to listen and understand what I am going through. I was able to talk openly in a comfortable surrounding environment without judgement. Thank you so much - the sessions made a huge impact on life!

It was great to feel more able to help myself…this meant that my progress has continued even once I’d stopped the sessions

I was able to talk openly in a comfortable surrounding environment without judgement. Thank you so much - the sessions made a huge impact on life!

The sessions were flexible and adapted to my changing needs. We focused on practical changes which I could implement in my day to day life

Having someone understand why I have the problems I do and who could see where I am coming from was so helpful.

The sessions feel informal and the pace of it is within your control.

The sessions gave me the tools to help myself to realise “I can do this, nothing bad will happen if I try

A very warm, safe environment was created helping me feel secure to be open and honest about my worries.

The support has given me the confidence to have my photo taken, ask for something in a shop, go out for a meal…all baby steps to begin with butwhich have helped me put my life back together.

It was great to feel more able to help myself…this meant that my progress has continued even once I’d stopped the sessions

Patient Feedback