Lead Obstetrician and Cardiology Obstetrician for the South West Maternal Medicine Network, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Johanna Trinder
I am a consultant obstetrician with expertise in maternal medicine. I qualified in London 1990, moved to Bristol in 1994 and took up my consultant post at University Hospitals Bristol in 2003, in Obstetrics and Maternal Medicine.
I hold an Honorary Senior Lectureship at the University of Bristol and am a Fellow of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists. I am a member of the MacDonald Obstetric Medicine Society, the British Maternal Fetal Medicine Society and secretary of the UK Maternal Cardiology Society, since its its foundation in 2019.
I have a long term interest in education, hold the Diploma in Postgraduate Medical Education and have organised numerous local, regional and national maternal medicine teaching events. I am also Head of School for O&G Postgraduate Education South West-Severn and am a qualified coach/mentor, holding the Institute of Learning and Management level 5 certificate in Coaching and Mentoring.
I have developed and led the tertiary maternal medicine service at University Hospitals Bristol over the past 19 years and set up the Regional Cardiac Obstetric Network ft in 2005, which was the first of its kind in the UK. I have been invited to lecture and teach at many national meetings and courses. I keep my knowledge up to date by attending national and international meetings and am involved in contributing to, and reviewing national guidelines on management of pregnant women with medical problems. I have published research in the field of maternal medicine, predominantly on the subject of heart disease in pregnancy.
Outside of work I spend my free time dog-walking, gardening, sailing and seeing friends

Obstetric Physician Lead for the South West Maternal Medicine Network and Acute Medicine Consultant, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Francesca Neuberger MBChB FRCP
I have been an Acute and Obstetric Physician at North Bristol NHS Trust since 2016, having undertaken fellowships in Obstetric Medicine and Medical Education in London.
I am the Obstetric Physician lead for the South West Maternal Medicine network, and maintains a keen interest in medical education.

Maternal Medicine Specialist Midwife, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Hannah Collins
I qualified as a midwife in 2016, and worked in South Devon until moving to Bristol in 2017. I have worked in many different departments including Central Delivery Suite, Antenatal/Postnatal Ward, Transitional Care Ward and the Midwifery Led Unit. I have worked as a core midwife on the antenatal /postnatal ward since late 2019, and still do part time. I started my new role as maternal medicine specialist midwife for the network in April 2022. I have a special interest in women who have medical conditions, how this affects their pregnancy, and vice versa. I am passionate about providing high quality midwifery care and making sure all women within the South West Network have equal access to specialist care. I ensure all women are supported throughout their pregnancy journey by providing education to their care providers and making sure they receive the specialist care/support they need from our MDT team. I also sit in on our maternal medicine clinics and therefore will see women who require care at our maternal medicine centre, and see them during their hospital admissions, if necessary. |

Maternal Medicine Specialist Midwife, North Bristol NHS Trust
Stacy Hazlehurst
I have been a midwife since 2005 and have spent the majority of my career at Southmead Hospital.
I have a keen interest in women with pre-existing medical conditions in pregnancy.
I also enjoy education and have been involved in multidisciplinary teaching for emergency scenarios within obstetrics and look forward to applying my interests to the South West Maternal Medicine Network.

Consultant in Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Rebecca Simms MD, MRCOG, DFRSH, MBChB
I have been a Consultant in Obstetrics and Maternal-Fetal Medicine at St Michael's Hospital, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston, since 2015. Prior to becoming a Consultant I trained in Obstetrics and Gynaecology and then completed my subspecialist training in Maternal-Fetal Medicine (SST MFM) in the Severn postgraduate deanery.
I have been the Lead Obstetrician for Haematology since becoming a Consultant and am a member of the British Society for Haematology Obstetric Haematology Special Interest Group.
I work very closely with our Obstetric Haematologist and colleagues at the Bristol Haematology and Oncology Centre. As our Trust is the tertiary referral centre in the South West for Haematology, I am closely involved in managing women from across our region with an extensive range of haematological conditions as part of our experienced multidisciplinary team.
I am also the South Bristol Obstetric Academy lead for the Reproductive Health and Care of the Newborn (RHCN) course, a part of the University of Bristol’s Medical Undergraduate Degree.
Consultant in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital
Dr Jenny Blackman MB ChB MRCOG
I have been an Obs and Gynae consultant in Exeter since 2018 and trained in the Peninsula region. I run a weekly antenatal clinic for women with pre-existing medical conditions and regular preconception clinics.
My other interests are in teaching at the UEMS and management of prolapse.

Consultant Obstetric Cardiologist, Bristol Heart Institute, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Stephanie Curtis BSc (Hons) MB ChB MD FRCP FESC
I am a consultant cardiologist, based at the Bristol Heart Institute, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust. I specialise in congenital heart disease in the adult (ACHD), heart muscle disease and aortic disease, as well as obstetric cardiology. I run regular clinics in Gloucester Royal Hospital and Musgrove Park Hospital in Taunton. I attended medical school in Edinburgh and subsequently did most of my training and doctorate in London. I took up a specific ACHD training post in Bristol as a senior registrar in 2003 and has been in post as a consultant since 2008. I have been looking after pregnant women with heart disease as part of a multidisciplinary clinic since 2003 and have a wide experience of all aspects of obstetric cardiology, consulting daily throughout the South West. I am a Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and European Society of Cardiology. I regularly present and chair at regional and national cardiology and echocardiography meetings. I have had published papers and book chapters in my areas of expertise. I am a keen amateur triathlete, runner and open water swimmer. I am also an avid member of the informal BHI book club and a single mum to two teenage sons and a variety of pets! |
Consultant in Obstetrics & Maternal Medicine, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Trust
Dr Marie O'Sullivan MRCOG MSc (Medical Education)
I am a consultant based at UHBW in obstetrics and maternal medicine, working across the Bristol and Weston sites. Throughout my career I have forged an active role in medical education; I am currently College Tutor for Obstetrics & Gynaecology at UHBW and the Education and Training Representative for BMFMS. As a trainee I was the Vice Chair (Education) for the RCOG National Trainee’s Committee and completed a Masters in medical education focussing on curriculum design. The pregnancy journey is a unique time for healthcare interactions with a large number of specialty interactions and huge motivation for change. I am excited to work with the network to provide cross-specialty education opportunities. |
Obstetric Rheumatologist for the South West Maternal Medicine Network, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Fang En Sin
I have been a Consultant Rheumatologist at North Bristol Trust since 2020. I am dual accredited in Rheumatology and General Internal Medicine, having trained in Kent, Surrey, Sussex and UCLH London. I am a general rheumatologist, but I have sub-speciality interests in autoimmune connective tissue diseases/ vasculitides and in complex biologics. I am also a member of the national HiHASC network, having developed an interest in haemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis during my training in UCLH London, and a firm belif in the value of regional/ national specialist MDT network for the benefit of patient outcome. |
Education Lead for the South West Maternal Medicine Network and Consultant Obstetrician, North Bristol NHS Trust
Associate Professor Christy Burden
Together with Dr Standing (Consultant Obstetrician) and Dr Neuberger (Consultant Obstetric Physician) I have led the Maternal Medicine and Diabetes in Pregnancy Service at North Bristol NHS Trust for the last four years. During the same timeframe I have led the Diabetes in Pregnancy service in the Trust.
I have experience and expertise of working in an education setting, first as an Academic Clinical Lecturer and now as an Associate Professor and Consultant Obstetrician. My drive and enthusiasm for education has led me into numerous roles within medical education throughout my career.
I am a clinical academic and Head of the Academic Women’s Health Research Unit at the University of Bristol and the NIHR CRN Reproductive Health Speciality lead for the West of England. I continue to strive to develop high quality and high impact education and research that will most importantly directly improve patient care and change practice both nationally and internationally.
Consultant Nephrologist, North Bristol NHS Trust
Dr Alison Armitage
I was appointed as a Consultant Nephrologist at Southmead Hospital in Bristol in 2007. I regularly practice all aspects of nephrology including transplantation, dialysis and general nephrology. My specialist clinical interest and passion is in managing women with chronic kidney disease (CKD) in pregnancy.
In 2012, together with Dr Judith Standing I established a joint renal antenatal clinic. As a result we have built extensive experience in dialysis in pregnancy and care provision at all stages of CKD including for kidney and SPK transplant recipients, immune related kidney conditions and inherited renal disorders.
We also run a separate pre pregnancy counselling clinic for these high risk women to talk about the impact of pregnancy on their renal condition and of their renal condition upon pregnancy. We look to optimise their kidney disease and medications in preparation.
I am the South West representative on the National Pregnancy and CKD Rare Disease group. My research interests are related to renal disease and pregnancy.
I want to ensure all women with kidney disease across the South West have equity of access to best care pathways and clinical advice. I believe that joint obstetric/nephrology care of women with CKD provides better outcomes for themselves, their kidneys, and their babies.
Lead Nephrology Obstetrician for South West Maternal Medicine Network, Consultant Obstetrician, North Bristol NHS Trust and South West Regional Lead Obstetrician NHSE
Dr Judith Standing MBChB MRCOG
I have been a Consultant Obstetrician with a special interest in Maternal Medicine for 16 years. Together with Consultant Nephrologist, Dr Alison Armitage, I have provided a joint regional and local Nephrology ANC and pre-pregnancy counselling service at North Bristol NHS Trust for over 10 years.
In my role as Regional Lead Obstetrician, I also work with the National Maternal Medicine Team at NHSE on the implementation and development of Maternal Medicine Networks across England.