Ambulatory Gynaecology
Many people can have a procedure in a clinic while they are awake. This is known as ambulatory care. Our ambulatory suite is a dedicated area of Gynaecology Outpatients.
The procedures done in the ambulatory setting are considered minor procedures and can be done without a general anaesthetic (you will be awake)_or staying in hospital.
Outpatient hysteroscopy is a procedure that enables an internal examination of women with abnormal bleeding from the uterus. It is done by a gynaecologist or specialist nurse hysteroscopist. Other procedures currently offered include hysteroscopic removal of endometrial polyps or fibroids, endometrial ablation, difficult coil fittings or retrievals, manual vacuum aspiration (a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue from inside the womb), and minor vulval procedures.
Some of the common benefits of an ambulatory procedure include avoiding general anaesthetic, quicker treatment, speedy recovery in your home, and less invasive treatment which avoids surgical scars.
What to expect at your appointment?
On the day of your procedure, you can eat and drink as normal. We encourage you to eat something before you come in. Consider taking a simple pain killer such as paracetamol and/or ibuprofen (if you can) around an hour before your appointment. You may be asked for a urine sample to complete a pregnancy test.
A nurse will be with you during your procedure. We have several options for local anaesthesia available depending on the procedure and your own requirements. You should organise for someone to collect you after the procedure to take you home.
Further information
NovaSure endometrial ablation
IUS (intrauterine system) or hormonal coil - NHS
©North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published January 2025. Review due January 2028. NBT003775