General Gynaecology

General Gynaecology covers many gynaecological problems including abnormal uterine bleeding, post-menopausal bleeding, ovarian cysts, and fibroids.

Clinics are Monday to Friday, in the morning and afternoon. The clinics take place at Southmead Hospital, Cossham Hospital, Clevedon Hospital, Yate West Gate Centre and Minor Injury Unit, and Thornbury Hospital. With an emphasis on a one-stop outpatient journey, there are facilities to perform pelvic ultrasound scans in clinic.  This enables a treatment plan to be drawn up immediately.

We offer a range of medical and surgical treatments which incorporates ambulatory, day case, and inpatient procedures. There is increasing focus on short stay and day case surgery, and the department has considerable expertise in laparoscopic surgery. Surgery is done at Southmead Hospital.

What to expect at your appointment?      

We offer face to face, and phone appointments. 

At face-to-face appointments we will discuss the problems you have been referred for and may do an examination. This could include feeling your abdomen, an internal examination, and an internal scan through the vagina. We may recommend taking a biopsy, smear, swab, or blood test. You may be given instructions to arrive with a full bladder if you need an ultrasound. A chaperone is always available. We will discuss any test results with you and any plans for treatment.

After your appointment we will send a letter to you and your GP with details of the consultation and any outstanding test results. 

© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published January 2025. Review due January 2027. NBT003770

Contact Gynaecology

Phone: 0117 414 6768

Cotswold Ward
Phone: 0117 414 6785

General Gynaecology