Who are we?
The Pain Management Centre is linked to the Pain Clinic at North Bristol NHS Trust and provides rehabilitation treatments for people suffering with chronic pain. We offer assessments at Southmead Hospital and Cossham Memorial Hospital. This service is delivered in conjunction with UBHW NHS Foundation Trust and some of our groups take place there in the Central Health Clinic.
The clinical team includes:
- Psychologists.
- Physiotherapists.
- Occupational Therapists.
- Clincal Nurse Specialists.
- Assistants.
What does the Pain Management Centre do?
Here at Pain Management our focus is about managing your pain rather than getting rid of it. We work on the basis that the pain is there to stay for the foreseeable future. Whilst it may feel like the pain is controlling your life we will help you to find ways to gain a sense of control over your life and develop a sense that you do have a choice in what you do.
We will do so by sharing different ways to manage the many consequences that can happen when you live with pain such as effects on mood, sleep, work, movement, relationships with your family, coping with flare ups and other aspects so that you can regain a sense of
What happens next?
After attending an information session your first appointment at the Pain Management Centre will last for roughly an hour. You will be assessed by one of the specialist clinicians in the team. They will ask you about the nature of the pain you have been suffering and about the effects this has on your everyday life. We do not offer a cure for your pain and you will not be given any direct treatments for pain relief.
Our focus is on helping people improve their lives despite having chronic pain.
In the past you may have been asked to undergo a physical examination or to demonstrate how the pain is affected by affecting your movement and posture. You will not be asked to do this at your first appointment here.
The assessment meeting provides an opportunity for you to meet with a member of our team with a view to seeing if a different approach to managing your situation may be worth investigating and what it could offer you. We will be happy to try and answer any questions you may have. We will then think about what the next steps might be, which could include joining a group or working with a member of the team in a 1:1 setting.
What do people who have seen us before say?
“Living with pain that doesn’t go away can be hard and make you feel miserable. The support written about in this leaflet can really help you find ways of coping and make your life easier. It’s up to you, but after doing the course you’ll have lots of tools to help give you a better quality of life. Can you afford not to go for it? Come and find out more about how you can make simple changes that will help make life easier!” (Sandra)
“When I was offered a place on the Self Management Programme I was unsure whether I would find it helpful. I went along and found the course leaders very welcoming and friendly. I knew the sessions would not stop my chronic pain, but I hoped I would gain some advice or strategies to help me cope. I was surprised by how interesting and helpful I found the programme. It has given me lots of ways to help cope, including lifestyle changes, helpful thinking and relaxation techniques. I enjoyed learning with a group of people which helped me realise others have the same problems as I have.”
These are quotes from two of our patients who both attended one of the pain management groups. Not all of our patients attend these courses, and other approaches are available.
What should I do if I can’t attend my appointment?
Please contact the service administrator for the Pain Management Service on 0117 414 7357 who will be happy to help you.
© North Bristol NHS Trust. This edition published December 2023. Review due December 2026. NBT002045.